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We wish you a fantastic 2019!

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White paper: RPA in Client Lifecycle Management

This paper outlines a number of opportunities for RPA within Client Lifecycle Management processes. Download it now!

Talan partner of Denodo Datafest

Talan was a partner of Datafest, organised by Denodo, the Data Virtualisation specialists

The relevance of a good Governance in Project Management

Discover Pablo Alifano's article, published in El Economista

Talan launches its podcast: “Playfield”

Talan launches « Playfield », the podcast that explores your playfield in business.

Talan and Denodo host the “Future Forum”

Talan Consulting UK hosted The Future Forum in partnership with Denodo on the 4th of July, 2018.

Talan raises 100 Million euros

The Talan group announced that it has raised 100 million euros to accelerate its ‘Ambition 2020' development plan.

Talan wins the ”Trophée des ESN” innovation prize

Talan won the "Trophée des ESN" innovation prize, organised on July 5th by Syntec Numérique (First Trade Union of the French digital ecosystem) and KPMG aiming to reward the best IT and Consulting Firms.

A new wind is blowing through investment banking

Discover Marjane Mabrouk's article, in Revue Banque.

Gefco and Talan join forces and create a joint venture

Gefco and Talan join forces and create a joint venture in the field of service engineering for the automotive market.